New Recommendations AKA Its About Damn Time
Friday, October 30, 2009
October is usually my favorite month of the year. Its not too hot and not cold, I'm fond of Autumn because it really is quite beautiful around here during that time of year plus the biggest bonus is Halloween at the end of the month**I spent a ton of money on my Alice in Wonderland costume this year, don't worry there will be pictures on ApplesnFeathers I'm sure*** but instead it has been a horrible month because Real Life which usually only is only a minor suck fest has turned into a major one as of late and all though I've been posting like a mad man on AnF I haven't posted anything on here since it is Novemeber so this post is long due! I've got some great reccomendations for you all so HERE WE GO!!!
New Recommendations
I was slightly reluctant to start a new story considering I'm involved in reading alot of WIP's right now but some of my favorite bloggy buddies twisted my arm and said Bitch You Gonna Read This!! So I did and...AMAZEMENT!!
From FF.Net: Laced in silence and bound by his black web of a backpack,
the new boy dressed in the faded red pullover is driving Bella insane with curiosity. Don't judge a boy by his sweater.
This story is finished but the author, Starrynytex, has begun writing Edwards POV called Girl With The Red Notebook and its WIP. She has also written little extras as well so click on the author to check all the above out. Read Boy In The Red Sweater first that way you'll get a feel for everything first!The next Rec on the agenda was the first story I ever read that had an odd pairing, well not really an odd pairing more so a pairing that I had never read before. I gave it a chance a long while back, in fact, it was reviewed on one of my Fan Fiction Wednesday videos, but now I'm recommending it to you!
Dear Diary by Alice_Laughed is a Quil/Claire pairing and it is told in the unique perspective of Claire's diary entries starting with the age of 10 in which Quil gives her said diary on her birthday. Now before you go ewwww...I too was very eeked out by Quil's imprint on a 2 year old just as I was creeped out by Jacob and Renesmee but I eventually warmed up to them and in turn reading Alice_Laughed's story made me love Quil and Claire on a more respected level so click the fic pic(made by me TADA!!) to go check it out.
One Shot Rec Time!
The following one shot is actually my favorite within a series of Six Degrees of Separation one shots by Beckylady. Go HERE to view her other stories to read the rest. My favorite story in this senario is a different point of view of Alice waiting for her Jasper in the little diner. Whats it called?
Since I've started reading Twilight Fan Fiction they have illicited many different emotions from me, mostly of the dirty thought and twisted knickers variety but very few can be so powerful that they in fact make me cry...this is one of them.

These Things I Hide has one of the most unique POV's I've EVER and I mean EVER read. I am a fan of unique stories. I don't enjoy reading the same fluff or Mary Jane crap over and over again(that's why I stopped reading my Buffy fan fiction long ago) but this beautifully written story by Openmouthwideeye will truly bring you to tears. This story is perfect for if you're in a New Moon kind of mood. What's the POV? Not gonna tell*insert evil smirk here* you'll just have to read it for yourselves so click on the fic pic!
Lastly but sure as hell not leastly is a "dreamy" fic set in the confides of the Eclipse threesome tent(that's what I like to call it don't judge me)

This sexy fan fic by onePushyfox is HOT! and what do I mean by hot? I mean that if you are reading this blog right now and you are under 18 or you're not mature enough to read panty soaking lemons then don't click the fic pic(made by me...hope you like it Foxy!) above, or you could click it and maybe the amazing, steamy writing will teach you a thing or two. This is a Jacob POV one shot and it is worth the read especially if you love the tent scene as much as I do cause DAMN!!!
Breaking News
This just in Twific freaks....the following stories are brand spanking new and ALREADY deserve to be recognized!
This story is a collaboration fic by two of my favorite authors, fragilelittlehuman and onePushyfox. Its in its 3rd chapter on and the 4th chapter teaser came out yesterday on the FragileFoxes teaser HERE! I don't want to give too much away with this one because a special post is coming in the next couple of weeks if I can get two certain authors to cooperate lol.

My dear twibloggy sister Straight Jacket Aimee has decided to branch out in the fan fiction business and her story, Chapter One of A Broken Triangle is up for your viewing pleasure so click the fic pic! Also you can go to the fic's blog HERE! Follow and stay up to date on her latest chapters.
Phew...that took a lot damn longer than I expected but each of these stories are worth the time! So enjoy reading and stop back by soon for my latest Spotlight feature!